Deep Research into Ascension Island RF Blasting

Deep Research into Ascension Island RF Blasting RF. Weather. Comms. MK. Deep dive into what is installed and operating on Ascension Island. Leads include dutchsinse youtuber finding “haarp rings” and other rf telltale data freely online on doppler weather sites that clearly show, over decades rf pattern beam energy emanations blasting from Asension Island. Presume … Read more


Sub comms

ELF VLF HAARP Quantum and Sub COMMS Location is everthing HAARP in gakona ak being used for sub comms was always a mislead; it has always been for weather control. Unique is the geomagnetic environment and geology in that area: For optimal results HAARP had to go there, of all the places it might have. … Read more

Michelson-Morley Experiment examined as fraudulent – ChatGPT caught in more egregious lies of omission

Vatican controls michelson morley einstein

Michelson-Morley Experiment examined as fraudulent – ChatGPT caught in more egregious lies of omission Beware ChatGPT is an agendaed, deceiving liar that routinely abides the Jesuit technique of omission — Particularly regarding military and religious nexus — Here is a PERFECT EXAMPLE REQUEST: deep dive into michelson-morley experiment; focus on military aspects of self and … Read more

Aspects of Project Looking Glass Developed at NBS (now NIST) during 1980s

Aspects of Project Looking Glass Developed at NBS (now NIST) during 1980s “In the mid 1980s Lovas and Suenram constructed a pulsed molecular beam Fourier Transform microwave (FTMW) spectrometer to study hydrogen bonded and van der Waals dimers and trimers.” Dr Rick Suenram microwave spectroscopy lab, in the basement of Metrology 220 building.

Wikipedia is Unreliable by Design


Wikipedia is Unreliable by Design Not merely “truth by consensus” or “truthiness” (both perjoratives having been used to describe it), wikipedia avails itself to presenting information ultimately edited by the ‘lowest common denominator’ via online bullying tactics. Wikipedia Origins in Online Pornography Wikipedia was co-founded in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. Prior to … Read more

Electromagnetic Waves Sir Lawrence Bragg Royal Institute

Em Physics

Electromagnetic Waves Sir Lawrence Bragg Royal Institute That the glass lense, like your cornea, focuses electromagnetic radiation is strong evidence supporting the theory that our evergrowing environmental toxin of radiofrequency radiation is primarily responsible for our evermore damaged eyesight, collectively. Experiments and demonstrations on the nature of electromagnetic waves. The nature of electromagnetic waves is … Read more

Smart Meter Teardown

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Smart Meter Teardown It’s a Landis-Gyr AXR- SD ….. The AXR denotes this is NOT an RF transmitting meter… The SD stands for Service Disconnect. So this meter has a built in disconnect means depending on how the software is set up. Disconnect by overload, disconnect remotely. The RXR series are the ones that operate … Read more