History of Cathode Ray Tubes with Kathy Joseph — EEVblog 1577

History of Cathode Ray Tubes with Kathy Joseph

History of Cathode Ray Tubes with Kathy Joseph


Fathers of vacuum tube / electron valves

LEE DEFOREST — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnJ7mQ_Fo-8

EDWIN ARMSTRONG (super heterodyne) — https://duckduckgo.com/?q=vacuum+tube%2C+armstrong

REGINALD FESSENDEN — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reginald_Fessenden

First image created by CRT — Maltese Cross. Crookes member of Golden Dawn. Occult all wrapped up in this. One purpose was to contact dead.

ERIC DOLLARD talked about this years ago. FREEMAN FLY (occult youtuber) talked about this years before DOLLARD.

The history of Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) spans from the late 19th century to the early 21st century, marking a significant period in the development of electronic devices, especially in television and computer monitor technology. Here’s a brief overview of the key milestones in the history of CRTs:

### Early Discoveries and Developments

– **Late 19th Century**: The foundation for CRT technology was laid by the discovery of cathode rays by German physicist Johann Hittorf in 1869. William Crookes, an English scientist, further explored cathode rays in the 1870s, inventing the Crookes tube, a primitive version of the CRT.
– **1897**: Karl Ferdinand Braun, a German physicist, invented the first cathode-ray tube to include a fluorescent screen, known as the Braun tube. This was also the first CRT to be used for displaying images, making it a direct ancestor of modern CRTs used in television and computer displays.
– **Late 1800s – Early 1900s**: Scientists and inventors experimented with cathode rays for creating images, leading to various developments in the understanding of electron beams and vacuum tube technology.

### Commercialization and Widespread Use

– **1920s-1930s**: The development of television technology in the early 20th century led to the commercialization of CRTs. The first television sets, which used CRTs to display images, were developed in the 1920s and 1930s by inventors such as John Logie Baird and Philo Farnsworth.
– **1934**: The first commercially made electronic television sets were introduced to the public, with CRTs as their core display technology.

### Technological Improvements

– **1950s**: Color television became a reality with the introduction of the color CRT, which used a shadow mask and three electron guns to display images in color. This development significantly improved the television viewing experience.
– **1960s-1970s**: Further advancements were made in CRT technology, leading to the production of more compact and efficient tubes. This period also saw the introduction of Trinitron CRTs by Sony, which offered improved image quality and became widely popular.

### Decline and Replacement

– **Late 20th – Early 21st Century**: The advent of flat-panel display technologies such as Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) and Plasma displays began to challenge the dominance of CRTs in the market. These new technologies offered several advantages over CRTs, including thinner profiles, lighter weight, and lower energy consumption.
– **2000s**: The production and sale of CRT-based television sets and monitors declined rapidly as LCD and other flat-panel technologies became more affordable and preferred by consumers. By the late 2000s and early 2010s, major manufacturers had ceased the production of CRTs for televisions and computer monitors.

### Legacy

Despite their decline in the consumer market, CRTs left a lasting legacy in the development of electronic display technology. Their invention and improvement over decades laid the groundwork for the modern television and computer displays we use today. CRTs are also remembered for their role in the early days of video gaming, with many retro gaming enthusiasts still preferring CRT screens for their unique characteristics and compatibility with older video game systems.

The history of CRTs reflects the broader evolution of technology, from early scientific curiosity to widespread commercial use, and eventually to replacement by newer innovations.

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