Anomalies of Water
Water emits aether particles both when it becomes ice and when it boils. Release of aether during freezing takes time, therefore boiled water freezes faster.
Boiled water has no dissolved gasses. Also, when you throw it in the air, much of it breaks up into very fine mist which freezes far faster due to greater thermal photon transfer to the cold dry air. Normal water does not become a fine mist.
Another phenomenon concerning water, never explained and thus ignored by science, is that in cold weather hot water pipes have a greater tendency to freeze than cold water pipes. The heating of the water drove off the majority of the aether particles, normally harbored within the water. Due to the low temperature of their surroundings, the aether particles were not replaced. Therefore, when the water in the hot water pipes approached the normal freezing point, it did not have to go through the process that the unheated water had to, in order to transform from a liquid to a solid at the freezing point.
It’s the cold /hot reversal of the magnetic moment of the particles with a hot magnet. Oxygen is attracted to the magnet but is repelled because of the heat. Hydrogen is not attracted to the magnet but attracts because of the heat. The heat makes ferromagnetic particles diamagnetic and diamagnetic particles become paramagnetic. The toroid just rips it all apart. The hot magnet sorts it… then it cools. You have particles of dust and gas in the air that get sucked into a hole and separated by a hot magnet… some particles will attract and some will repel. It gets ripped apart before the magnet sorts it. It’s charge separation.Show less
In this video, Bob Greenyer explains an overview of what may be going on in Malcolm Bendall’s Thunderstorm Generator via description of the fluid and electrodynamics in it and related technologies.