FactCheckOrg and all ilk making similar false claims Proven Malarkists by USPTO Weather Modification Not Just Real but Ridiculously So
BEWARE So many out-and-out parroting idiots and/or liars versus literally hundreds of expensive and hard-to-gain patents demonstrate Weather Modification is real, old, and well-known

DUTCHSINSE youtuber posted over a decade about ago HAARP and NEXRAD being used to manipulate storms, including video evidence from doppler RADAR website imagery. Dane Wigington of GeoEngineeringWatchOrg has recently begun parroting the same information.
Look to the controllers. https://thezog.wordpress.com
Meanwhile, all one must do is search on YANDEX for “weather modification patents” and literally hundreds of patents are listed in archives and stand-alone. It’s as if the stupid lying “news” thinks its adherents are somehow even stupider, lower.
Patents are expensive, and they are not simply given-away without having some scientific basis; therefore, the mere existence of a patent very strongly indicates genuine intent if not veritable result.
Here’s an archive of many dozens of patents related to weather modification —
Commercial company offering weather modification services
and deeper, darker information
Look into Ascension Island
a search on non-google-military-and-mind-controlled YANDEX reveals much, much, much more
Links in the above image:
More weather modification patents
03/05/2015 — WO2015028835A1 Unmanned mobile device and relative method for treating a snow covered surface, and in particular of glaciers 02/2015
02/18/2015 — EP2836065A1 Methods and apparatus for destabilizing tornadoes
02/11/2015 — CN104335859A 居民区模拟降雨的方法以及居民区模拟降雨系统 Rainfall simulation methods and residential neighborhoods simulated rainfall system
02/04/2015 — CN204139668U 释放的开顶式气室 Release of the open top chambers
02/04/2015 — CN104322334A 一种暖云催化剂、制备方法及其应用 One kind of warm cloud catalyst preparation method and its application
02/03/2015 — US8944363 Production or distribution of radiative forcing agents 01/2015
01/28/2015 — CN104303914A 一种可移动人造雪山装置 Removable, artificial snow-capped device
01/27/2015 — US8939381 Fog removal system
01/27/2015 — US8939105 Oceanic platform to extract and discharge salt water
01/21/2015 — CN104285734A 高原地区引进喜马拉雅山脉南麓湿润空气和水又用于交通的一种大通道及配套设备 Himalayan plateau south of the introduction of humid air and water, but also a major thoroughfare for traffic and equipment
01/14/2015 — CN204090663U 一种用于风浪水槽的人工模拟降雨装置 Apparatus for artificial rain storm sinks 12/2014
12/31/2014 — CN204047414U 一种可调控的人工模拟降雨装置 Apparatus for artificial rainfall can be regulated
12/24/2014 — CN204031968U 在雪山上面拦阻雨雪的装置 Rain and snow in the mountains above the blocking device
12/17/2014 — CN102754576B 一种人工影响天气系统自动化作业平台 An artificial weather system automation platforms
12/10/2014 — CN104202964A 自动化远程抗冰雹防护方法和网络 Automation Remote anti-hail protection methods and networks
12/04/2014 — US20140353396 Automated wide-ranging anti-hail protection method and a network 11/2014
11/27/2014 — US20140345696 Atmospheric circulation system and method
11/11/2014 — US8882552 Biophysical geoengineering compositions and methods 10/2014
10/02/2014 — WO2014154147A1 Method of preventing serious weather disasters 08/2014
08/14/2014 — US20140224894 Technique to mitigate storms using arrays of wind turbines
08/13/2014 — CN203772138U 一种高炮方位角位移检测器 One kind of anti-aircraft artillery azimuth displacement detector
08/13/2014 — CN203761977U 人造龙卷风发生装置 Artificial tornado generating means
08/13/2014 — CN103975807A 一种气候感应调节仪器 One kind of climate sensors adjust the instrument
08/13/2014 — CN103975806A 一种用于人工影响天气的环保气溶胶焰剂及其制备方法和应用 An environmentally friendly aerosol flame and its preparation method and application of artificial weather modification
08/06/2014 — CN203748349U 一种自动模拟大气降水增加的装置 An automatic device simulation of atmospheric precipitation increases
08/06/2014 — CN103960097A 一种电网输电线、塔架、变电站雨凇消除方法 One kind of power transmission lines, towers, substations glaze Remedy
08/06/2014 — CN103960096A 一种利用气溶胶催化剂人工消除冻雨的方法 A use of aerosol catalyst eliminate artificial freezing method 07/2014
07/31/2014 — US20140208641 Upper air inflow-type apparatus for dissipating cold air
07/30/2014 — CN203735185U 机载增雨播撒器 Airborne Precipitation spreading device
07/16/2014 — CN103918514A 一种基于环境效应场模型的城市绿地形态格局优化方法 An optimization method based on morphological pattern of environmental effects of urban green field model
07/09/2014 — CN103912157A 城市农业为一体不浪费地球一平方土地的建设方法 Urban agriculture as one of the construction method does not waste one square of land Earth 06/2014
06/25/2014 — CN103875489A 一种利用声波降雨的方法 A use of acoustic methods rainfall
06/19/2014 — WO2014093338A1 Methods and apparatus for affecting an atmospheric cyclone
06/19/2014 — US20140165461 Process for the production of useful materials for sustaining manned space missions on mars through in-situ resources utilization
06/11/2014 — CN102524004B Hail suppressing and rain increasing catalyst body seeder
06/04/2014 — EP2736320A1 A process for the production of useful materials for sustaining manned space missions on mars through in-situ resources utilization 05/2014
05/29/2014 — US20140145002 System for facilitating cloud formation and cloud precipitation
05/28/2014 — CN103826438A 通过就地资源利用来产生有用材料以维持在火星上的载人太空任务的工艺 By in situ resource utilization to produce useful materials to maintain the manned space craft on Mars mission
05/28/2014 — CN103814784A 人造龙卷风发生装置 Artificial tornado generating means
05/21/2014 — CN203597182U 可移动式降雨模拟装置 Portable rainfall simulator
05/15/2014 — US20140131471 Apparatus to channel large air masses for climate modification
05/14/2014 — CN103782855A 生态还原环保自去水系统 Eco-environmental protection since the reduction to the water system
05/07/2014 — EP2725893A1 An automated wide-ranging anti-hail protection method and a network
05/07/2014 — CN103766180A 阻止严重天气灾难的方法 Methods to prevent severe weather disaster 04/2014
04/16/2014 — CN103718907A Economically feasible artificial rainfall agent and rainfall achieving method
04/01/2014 — US8685254 Water alteration structure applications and methods 03/2014
03/26/2014 — CN203492486U High-position artificial rainfall simulating device
03/25/2014 — US8679331 Water alteration structure movement method and system
03/20/2014 — DE102013007409A1 Sunlight exposed surface, useful for triggering methane decomposition in the atmosphere, comprises solute and/or readily soluble iron salts that exceed a sulfur compound such as solute and/or readily soluble sulfate by specific value
03/19/2014 — CN203482691U Weather modification operation firebomb
03/19/2014 — CN203482690U Artificial influence weather onboard dispenser
03/12/2014 — CN203467335U Onboard supersonic speed airflow refrigerating nucleating device 02/2014
02/26/2014 — CN203446301U Intelligent cloud/snow making machine
02/20/2014 — US20140048613 Method and system for accelerating dissipation of a landfalling tropical cyclone
02/19/2014 — CN103590359A Method for preventing and controlling desertification
02/13/2014 — WO2014025278A1 Method for a directional change in the circulation of air masses and in weather conditions associated therewith
02/12/2014 — CN103563700A Dispersing body structure 01/2014
01/29/2014 — CN103535227A Method for eliminating tornados in air and on ground
01/23/2014 — WO2014014383A1 Method for changing atmospheric conditions above a specified area
01/22/2014 — CN103518573A Artificial influence weather detection operating integrated system
01/22/2014 — CN103518572A Typhoon resisting device
01/08/2014 — EP2681991A1 Shockwave generator for an anti-hail cannon wih silencer
01/08/2014 — CN203378354U Simulated slope rainfall system
01/01/2014 — CN103477926A Intelligent artificial rainfall simulator
01/01/2014 — CN103477925A Calamity reducing method for sequential explosion of explosive pack chain delivered to violent typhoon center by submarine 12/2013
12/25/2013 — CN203353316U Wind weakening device
12/25/2013 — CN103461041A Method for artificially regulating weather
12/11/2013 — CN103430812A Fast rain making and atomizing machine
12/04/2013 — CN203313803U Louver-type wind guiding device 11/2013
11/21/2013 — US20130306267 Advanced protective system against dangerous caused moving water masses
11/20/2013 — CN103392541A Method for treating wind-sand disasters
11/13/2013 — CN103385143A Method for defining fast-growing plant scope 10/2013
10/17/2013 — WO2013155051A1 Methods and apparatus for destabilizing tornadoes
10/02/2013 — CN103329767A 冷岛效应装置 Cool island effect device 09/2013
09/26/2013 — WO2013138824A1 An automated wide-ranging anti-hail protection method and a network
09/25/2013 — CN203206844U Stm32 microcontroller based automatic control combined type rainfall simulation device
09/18/2013 — CN103299850A Intelligent flower pot
09/11/2013 — CN103283545A Automatic control combined simulated rainfall device based on Stm 32 microcontroller
09/11/2013 — CN102668940B Rainmaking system 08/2013
08/07/2013 — CN203105228U Liquid carbon dioxide rainer mounted on airplane
08/07/2013 — CN101116410B Process for regulating carbon dioxide concentration in air and inhibiting greenhouse effect and the device thereof 07/2013
07/25/2013 — US20130191296 Method and system for obtaining ghg reduction credits associated with ghg reduction efforts
07/11/2013 — US20130175352 Method to influence the direction of travel of hurricanes
07/04/2013 — WO2012078165A3 Wind energy use for water harvesting from air 06/2013
06/19/2013 — CN101480157B Hypersonic speed air current refrigeration coring device for weather modification
06/13/2013 — WO2013086542A1 Salt water spray systems for cloud brightening droplets and nano-particle generation
06/12/2013 — CN102340985B Method for cooling the troposphere
06/06/2013 — WO2013078485A1 A method and a system of anti-hail protection 05/2013
05/14/2013 — US8439278 Apparatus for producing a mass of water vapor, apparatus for producing, moving and climbing a mass of water vapor, and method of causing artificial stimulation of rain
05/01/2013 — CN202915830U Program control timing sequence detonation device 04/2013
04/24/2013 — CN202890102U Civil hail preventing rain increasing rocket catalyst diffusing device 03/2013
03/27/2013 — CN102986492A Artificial rainfall formed by carrying water with aircraft
03/13/2013 — CN202792320U Solar-powered atomized water cooler
03/13/2013 — CN102137591B Method and apparatus for local modification of atmosphere
03/07/2013 — WO2013032126A1 Upper air suctioning-type apparatus for dissipating cold air 02/2013
02/21/2013 — US20130043322 Processes and apparatus for reducing the intensity of tropical cyclones
02/14/2013 — US20130038063 Apparatus and method for inhibiting the formation of tropical cyclones
02/13/2013 — CN202730726U Rotary fluid speed reducer
02/13/2013 — CN202722169U Double-fuze ack-ack artificial hail suppression rainfall bomb 01/2013
01/31/2013 — WO2013014606A1 A process for the production of useful materials for sustaining manned space missions on mars through in-situ resources utilization
01/31/2013 — DE102011108433A1 Method for controlled cooling of troposphere by its enrichment, involves containing iron element in form of salt, salt solution, hydroxide, oxide hydrate or oxide in aerosol, and vaporous hydrophobic ferrous material is added to atmosphere
01/29/2013 — CA2796219A1 Ultimate solutions to obesity, tornado, doomsday, and other acts of god
01/17/2013 — US20130015260 Concept and model for utilizing high-frequency or radar or microwave producing or emitting devices to produce, effect, create or induce lightning or lightspeed or visible to naked eye electromagnetic pulse or pulses, acoustic or ultrasonic shockwaves or booms in the air, space, enclosed, or upon any object or mass, to be used solely or as part of a system, platform or device including weaponry and weather modification
01/16/2013 — CN102870635A Artificial rainfall system
01/10/2013 — US20130008365 System and method for decreasing the intensity and frequency of tropical storms or hurricanes
01/08/2013 — US8348550 Water alteration structure and system having heat transfer conduit
01/08/2013 — US8348175 Apparatus for preventing and removing fog at runway using sprinklers 12/2012
12/26/2012 — CN101828496B Rapid insertion device for silver iodide catalytic flare used by unmanned aerial vehicle
12/12/2012 — CN202587987U Artificial rain-making simulating device
12/12/2012 — CN102821139A Artificial influence weather assignment information interactive system based on intelligent terminal
12/06/2012 — US20120305664 Everything genus and everything solutions 11/2012
11/29/2012 — US20120298654 Method and System for Reducing Distructive Forces of a Hurricane
11/22/2012 — WO2012158061A2 Method for stabilizing the climate on planet earth
11/21/2012 — CN202535823U Field increasing and decreasing rain test unit
11/14/2012 — CN101828497B Catalytic flare ignition device used in artificial rainfall of unmanned aerial vehicle
11/07/2012 — CN102770014A Atmospheric delivery system
11/07/2012 — CN102763583A Novel artificial-precipitation, defogging and hail-suppression technology 10/2012
10/31/2012 — CN102754576A Automatic artificial influence weather system operation platform and realization method thereof
10/25/2012 — US20120267444 Artificial freezing apparatus and freezing method therefor
10/24/2012 — EP2512216A1 Atmospheric delivery system
10/17/2012 — CN102726263A Method for eliminating tropical storm, typhoon and severe typhoon
10/17/2012 — CN102726262A Weather modification rocket remote broadcast time setting and emission control method 09/2012
09/27/2012 — US20120241554 Atmospheric delivery system
09/26/2012 — CN102687647A Tornado weakener
09/19/2012 — CN102668940A Rainmaking system
09/12/2012 — CN102662200A Forecast and intervention method for typhoon and hurricane tracks
09/11/2012 — US8262314 Method for decreasing the intensity and frequency of tropical storms or hurricanes 07/2012
07/25/2012 — CN101726219B Multielement seeding combustion explosion type rainfall-increasing and anti-hail rocket
07/18/2012 — CN102589351A Digitizing collection device and detection method based on antiaircraft gun operation parameter of weather modification
07/18/2012 — CN102577896A Vertical hanging guide pipe for warm and wet air
07/12/2012 — US20120175427 Protection against natural dangers connected with huge streams mainly water, mud, locust
07/12/2012 — DE102011008229A1 Method for reducing temperature of medium, involves avoiding irradiation of plants from natural spectrum with electromagnetic waves of wavelengths
07/04/2012 — CN102524006A Method for preventing harm of tornadoes, typhoons and hurricanes on human society
07/04/2012 — CN102524005A Precipitation increasing technical method for desert dry areas
07/04/2012 — CN102524004A Hail suppressing and rain increasing catalyst body seeder 06/2012
06/20/2012 — EP2465339A1 Noise barrier for hail cannons
06/20/2012 — CN102498989A Artificial-tornado air refreshing system
06/20/2012 — CN102498988A Artificial rain adjusting technology
06/13/2012 — CN102487767A Weather regulation and control system in oceanic laser light energy station
06/13/2012 — CN102487766A Artificial tornado weather control system
06/07/2012 — US20120138700 Processes and apparatus for reducing the intensity of tropical cyclones 05/2012
05/30/2012 — CN202232369U Movable type weather modification operation commanding device
05/09/2012 — CN202217074U Meteorological rocket launcher control cabinet 03/2012
03/21/2012 — CN102383395A Ecological method for repairing concrete grating revetment of river level fluctuation zone by using plants
03/21/2012 — CN102379230A Physical automatic rainfall without coolant
03/14/2012 — CN202160477U 一种野外持续模拟降雨装置 Continuous rainfall simulation device in Field
03/08/2012 — US20120056006 Global warming letter 02/2012
02/02/2012 — US20120024972 Method and apparatus for reducing cyclone intensity
02/02/2012 — US20120024971 Methods for environmental modification with climate control materials and coverings
02/01/2012 — CN102340985A Method for cooling the troposphere
02/01/2012 — CN102334436A Device and usage for utilizing liquid nitrogen to increase air pressure to mitigate destructive power of tornado
02/01/2012 — CN102334435A Silver iodide interference reduction method for typhoon
02/01/2012 — CN102334434A Strong-convection interference typhoon-weakening method 01/2012
01/25/2012 — CN102326499A Solid carbon dioxide interference typhoon reducing method
01/19/2012 — DE202011004770U1 Stoppen oder zerstören von Hurrikans, Zyklopen, Taifune und Tsunamis ect. Stop or destroy hurricanes, Cyclops, typhoons and tsunamis ect. bevor sie Festland erreichen. before they reach the mainland.
01/12/2012 — US20120006908 Hurricane dissipation system and method 12/2011
12/27/2011 — US8083438 Mechanically produced thermocline based ocean temperature regulatory system
12/21/2011 — CN102283061A 一种和平利用原子能冲击波弹驱散大暴雨方法 One kind of peaceful use of atomic energy bomb blast method to disperse heavy rain
12/07/2011 — CN102265765A 一种野外持续模拟降雨装置 Simulated rainfall means continued in Field
12/07/2011 — CN102265764A 引印度洋湿气到青藏高原降水的方法及设备 Lead to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the Indian Ocean moisture precipitation method and apparatus
12/01/2011 — US20110290900 Domains of fluid elements
12/01/2011 — US20110290899 GC boundaries
12/01/2011 — DE102010026972B3 Device for treatment of agricultural soil surface by gassing with gas mixture in open land aeration plant, has openings at aeration body for outpouring gas mixture, and gas suction device enclosed by body is connected to gas discharge line 11/2011
11/24/2011 — US20110284690 Utility Device System For Releasing Or Capturing Disbursements For The Atmosphere By Means Of An Aircraft
11/24/2011 — US20110284650 Method for Cooling the Troposphere
11/24/2011 — US20110284649 Apparatus and method for the mitigation of rotating wind storms
11/10/2011 — WO2011113976A3 Method and system for controlling solar radiation on the surface of the earth by means of controlled aerosol dispersion
11/09/2011 — CN202026650U Small-area artificial rain sprinkler
11/09/2011 — CN101272984B Method of separating carbon dioxide in aqueous environments
11/03/2011 — WO2011135394A1 Method for the preservation and restoration of mountain glaciers
11/03/2011 — WO2011134281A1 Weather control method
11/02/2011 — EP2381759A2 Method for cooling the troposphere 10/2011
10/20/2011 — US20110253799 Apparatus for preventing and removing fog at runway using sprinklers
10/19/2011 — CN102217511A Device employing solar energy to adjust water surface temperature or evaporation capacity
10/19/2011 — CN101940140B BL-1 type rocket artificial precipitation method
10/12/2011 — CN202005180U Body-spread catalyst spreading device for hail suppression and rain enhancement
10/06/2011 — US20110240756 Hydrant for snow making apparatus
10/06/2011 — US20110240755 God forms’ Genres 09/2011
09/28/2011 — CN201986473U 增加电厂发电量的装置 Increase the amount of power generation equipment
09/07/2011 — DE202011005468U1 Der Schutz vor der Dürre The protection against drought
09/07/2011 — CN102172188A Method and device for increasing generated energy of power plant 08/2011
08/25/2011 — US20110204159 Weather management using space-based power system
08/24/2011 — CN102160509A Electro-climatology ion trapping artificial rainfall fresh water producing universal machine group and control system
08/24/2011 — CN102160508A Weather rainfall planting catalyst device
08/18/2011 — US20110198407 Method and apparatus to break up or annihilate typhoons, tornadoes, cyclones or hurricanes
08/11/2011 — WO2011094802A1 Estimation of weather modification effects
08/03/2011 — EP2349844A1 System in space for reinforcing photosynthesis and method
08/03/2011 — CN102138446A Method for defining degradation degree of high-cold steppe 07/2011
07/28/2011 — DE102010005441A1 Method for controlling, producing and amplification of air exchange in wind turbine, during construction of control in wind park, involves acting towards influence of meteorological situation, and operating rotor under application of energy
07/27/2011 — CN201908744U Civil hail suppression and rainfall increment rocket engine
07/27/2011 — CN102137591A Method and apparatus for local modification of atmosphere
07/27/2011 — CN102132662A Improved method for making tropical cyclone wind zone
07/21/2011 — US20110174892 Apparatus and related methods for weather modification by electrical processes in the atmosphere
07/14/2011 — US20110168797 Method of weakening a hurricane 06/2011
06/23/2011 — WO2011073650A1 Atmospheric delivery system
06/22/2011 — CN102105047A Apparatus and related methods for weather modification by electrical processes in the atmosphere
06/21/2011 — US7965488 Methods of removing aerosols from the atmosphere
06/15/2011 — CN102090290A Typhoon and cyclone preventing and controlling device
06/15/2011 — CN101574051B Method for manually adjusting and controlling acid rain
06/02/2011 — US20110127346 Co-creative Learning and Research Method and Apparatus
05/26/2011 — US20110123314 Apparatus and method for forced convection of seawater
05/11/2011 — CN102047826A Aircraft device for treating ‘weather’
05/05/2011 — US20110101124 Hurricane abatement system and method 04/2011
04/28/2011 — WO2011047436A1 Methods and apparatus for growing plants
04/27/2011 — CN102027869A Method and equipment for carrying out air conditioning on natural environment by applying chimney type air guide tower
04/20/2011 — EP2309842A1 Apparatus and related methods for weather modification by electrical processes in the atmosphere
04/07/2011 — US20110079655 Method of manufacturing dynamic virtual siphons 03/2011
03/03/2011 — WO2008087490A3 Method and apparatus for moving substantial quantities of water
03/03/2011 — US20110049257 Method and apparatus for local modification of atmosphere 02/2011
02/17/2011 — WO2011018535A1 Noise barrier for hail cannons
02/17/2011 — US20110036919 Global warming mitigation method
02/10/2011 — WO2011016597A1 Apparatus and method for producing and storing more ice over ocean
02/09/2011 — CN1811804B Rainmaking work decision-making method
02/09/2011 — CN101965781A Method for changing desert into fertile land and planting method of paddy rice in desert
02/01/2011 — CA2393317C Prevention of ice nucleation by polyglycerol 01/2011
01/27/2011 — WO2011011370A1 Hurricane abatement system and method
01/26/2011 — EP2277371A1 Precipitation management method by desert soil
01/20/2011 — US20110011945 System and method for removing carbon dioxide from an atmosphere and global thermostat using the same
01/19/2011 — EP2273868A1 Method and apparatus for local modification of atmosphere
01/13/2011 — WO2011005134A1 Method and device for converting a thermal cyclone into a frontal cyclone
01/13/2011 — WO2010138154A9 Civilization’s option
01/12/2011 — CN101940140A BL-1 type rocket artificial precipitation method
01/12/2011 — CN101940139A Aerosphere cleaning and controlling system
01/12/2011 — CN101390484B Lightning attractor and method thereof
01/12/2011 — CN101390483B Artificial lightning attractor and lightning method thereof
01/05/2011 — CN201692913U Rainfall device support used in manual simulation rainfall experimental facility
01/05/2011 — CN201692902U Sprinkler for artificial rainfall experiment device
01/05/2011 — CN201692901U Artificial simulated rainfall experiment device
01/05/2011 — CN201690854U Wind energy multiplied sand water filtration and agglomeration storm wind speed reducer
01/05/2011 — CN101933448A Method for manufacturing tropical cyclone wind zone 12/2010
12/29/2010 — EP1942720B1 Solar radiator
12/09/2010 — WO2010108500A9 Shading of open areas by nano water mist
12/09/2010 — US20100308124 Apparatus for producing a mass of water vapor, apparatus for producing, moving and climbing a mass of water vapor, and method of causing artificial stimulation of rain
12/02/2010 — WO2010138154A2 Civilization’s option
12/01/2010 — CN101473766B Antiaircraft gun artificial rain-increasing multi-round working method 11/2010
11/16/2010 — US7832657 Apparatus for lowering water temperature of sea surface
11/11/2010 — US20100282860 Systems for environmental modification with climate control materials and coverings
11/10/2010 — CN101530048B A weather modification operating furnace
11/03/2010 — CN101874460A Method for reducing temperature by substituting water for electricity 10/2010
10/28/2010 — US20100270389 Method of dangerous phenomena (mainly, hurricane) and global warning weakening
10/21/2010 — US20100264230 Severe storm / hurricane modification method and apparatus
10/20/2010 — CN101861813A Global warming control by reducing heat input into polar region
10/14/2010 — WO2010117293A1 Method for changing the direction of air mass circulation and weather conditions associated therewith
10/12/2010 — US7810420 Method of interrupting a tornado
10/07/2010 — WO2010113344A1 Shading device and shading method
10/07/2010 — US20100252648 Climate Processor
10/07/2010 — US20100252647 Benign global warming solution offers unprecedented economic prosperity 09/2010
09/30/2010 — WO2010108500A1 Shading of open areas by nano water mist
09/22/2010 — CN101836570A Optimal vegetation project for treating pollution and climate warming, and changing drought and flood into good weather for crops
09/16/2010 — WO2010075856A3 Method for cooling the troposphere
09/16/2010 — US20100230508 God device genres cadres
09/15/2010 — CN101828497A Catalytic flare ignition device used in artificial rainfall of unmanned aerial vehicle
09/15/2010 — CN101828496A Rapid insertion device for silver iodide catalytic flare used by unmanned aerial vehicle
09/09/2010 — US20100224696 Weather management using space-based power system
09/09/2010 — US20100224694 Method for reducing or claming hurricanes and/or other storms and for circulating water
09/08/2010 — CN201571382U Ground-based flare seeding device 08/2010
08/26/2010 — US20100213271 Mechanically produced thermocline based ocean temperature regulatory system
08/25/2010 — CN201557435U Operating smoke oven for artificially affecting weather
08/25/2010 — CN101810117A Method for regulating and controlling weather
08/25/2010 — CN101300942B Method for simulating moisture surrounding variation of sandy woodland grassland ecologic system and facilities
08/19/2010 — DE102009059005A1 Klimakühlung mit eisenhaltigen Salzgemisch-Aerosolen Air cooling with ferrous salt mixture aerosols
08/05/2010 — DE102008047090A1 Method for blocking hurricanes, involves utilizing device with plate-shaped body, which has recesses or carrying bodies for two aircrafts, particularly gyroplane 07/2010
07/08/2010 — WO2010076959A1 System and method for facilitating artificial rain shower by ground heating
07/08/2010 — WO2010075856A2 Method for cooling the troposphere
07/08/2010 — US20100170958 Hurricane mitigation by combined seeding with condensation and freezing nuclei
07/08/2010 — CA2748680A1 Method for cooling the troposphere 06/2010
06/24/2010 — US20100155499 Ocean wind water pump for de-energizing a storm
06/16/2010 — CN101742902A Carbon sequestration using a floating vessel
06/09/2010 — CN101726219A Multielement seeding combustion explosion type rainfall-increasing and anti-hail rocket
06/03/2010 — US20100133354 Fog generator 05/2010
05/19/2010 — CN201476702U Real-time data acquisition device for anti-aircraft gun for weather modification operation
05/19/2010 — CN201467770U Controllable rain making system
05/19/2010 — CN201467769U Hanging artificial rainfall flame cable 04/2010
04/14/2010 — CN101694207A Integrated equipment for multi-stage multi-power wind power generation and voltage transformation, rain making and solar power generation
04/14/2010 — CN101692780A Wind and thunder remote control instrument
04/07/2010 — CN101084708B Aerial seeding with soil and air planting sapling guide body 03/2010
03/25/2010 — US20100072297 Method for controlling hurricanes
03/25/2010 — US20100072296 Method of Interrupting a Tornado
03/17/2010 — CN201423327Y Superimposed spraying-type spraying and falling device for artificial rainfall
03/04/2010 — US20100051714 Processes and apparatus for reducing the intensity of tropical cyclones 02/2010
02/04/2010 — WO2010012354A1 Apparatus and related methods for weather modification by electrical processes in the atmosphere
02/04/2010 — CA2732396A1 Apparatus and related methods for weather modification by electrical processes in the atmosphere
02/03/2010 — CN201393442Y Cold cloud catalytic smoke bar
02/03/2010 — CN101637111A Theory and Method for diverting cloud from south to north and rainfall in desert 01/2010
01/27/2010 — CN101632340A Method for reducing ground temperature by upper atmosphere
01/13/2010 — EP2141980A1 Carbon sequestration using a floating vessel
01/07/2010 — US20100001089 Methods and systems for promoting precipitation from moisture-bearing atmospheric formations
01/06/2010 — CN101617616A Device and system for expelling cloud and rain 12/2009
12/16/2009 — CN201360460Y Remote control silver iodide ground generating device
12/16/2009 — CN201360459Y Supersonic air flow refrigerating and coring device used for weather modification
12/15/2009 — US7631506 Liquid nitrogen enabler
12/10/2009 — WO2009125264A4 Method and apparatus for local modification of atmosphere 11/2009
11/25/2009 — CN101585024A Portable artificial rain simulating device
11/18/2009 — CN101578953A Method for controlling desertification by covering method to solve crises in ecology, energy and food
11/12/2009 — WO2009135398A1 Climate regulating method and apparatus using solar energy
11/11/2009 — CN101574051A Method for manually adjusting and controlling acid rain
11/11/2009 — CN101574050A Method and device of utilizing solar energy to manually adjust climate
11/11/2009 — CN100559395C Aircraft artificial rainmaking work technology system
11/05/2009 — US20090272817 Method and apparatus for reducing the intensity of hurricanes at sea by deep-water upwelling 10/2009
10/15/2009 — WO2009125264A1 Method and apparatus for local modification of atmosphere
10/15/2009 — US20090255999 Production or distribution of radiative forcing agents
10/07/2009 — CN101548634A Regional ecological restoration method by means of wind energy 09/2009
09/24/2009 — WO2009116251A1 Apparatus for generating mass of water vapor, apparatus for generating/moving/elevating mass of water vapor, and method of generating artificial rainfall
09/17/2009 — WO2009112041A1 Hurricane counter pressure
09/16/2009 — CN101530048A A weather modification operating furnace
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08/26/2009 — CN100533319C Ground artificial rain device wireless network control system
08/20/2009 — US20090206170 Mitigation of rotating wind storms 07/2009
07/23/2009 — DE102009004281A1 Klimakühlende Feststoff- und Gasverbrennung Air Cooling solid and gas combustion
07/22/2009 — CN101485271A Method and device for wind energy refrigeration artificial rainfall
07/22/2009 — CN101485270A Blasting boat for sea typhoon
07/15/2009 — CN101480157A Hypersonic speed air current refrigeration coring device for weather modification
07/09/2009 — WO2009086559A1 Water alteration structure and system
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07/08/2009 — CN101473766A Antiaircraft gun artificial rain-increasing multi-round working method
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06/24/2009 — CN101461318A Ecology oasis module
06/18/2009 — US20090152370 Chimney device and methods of using it to fight global warming, produce water precipitation and produce electricity
06/17/2009 — EP2070397A2 Charged seed cloud as a method for increasing particle collisions and for scavenging airborne biological agents and other contaminants
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05/28/2009 — WO2008154103A3 Fluid property regulator
05/26/2009 — US7536967 Marine water conversion
05/06/2009 — CN101422110A Desert controlling method 04/2009
04/29/2009 — CN100482064C New use of fuel coal desulphurizing magnesium slag and method for tackling desert therewith
04/22/2009 — CN101411294A Rotor bomb protecting wall
04/09/2009 — WO2009043333A2 Electrostatic thermal transducer (etw) 03/2009
03/26/2009 — WO2009038488A1 System for carrying out a localised electrophysical action on the earth atmosphere
03/25/2009 — CN101390484A Lightning attractor and method thereof
03/25/2009 — CN101390483A Artificial lightning attractor and lightning method thereof
03/19/2009 — US20090071555 Integrated technological system for improving the climate
03/04/2009 — EP2029281A1 Method for the agglomeration and/or coagulation of aerosols 02/2009
02/05/2009 — WO2009016394A1 Apparatus and method for dispersing frost and fog 01/2009
01/08/2009 — US20090008468 How to tame hurricanes and typhoons with available technology 12/2008
12/31/2008 — WO2008109187A3 A mechanically produced thermocline based ocean temperature regulatory system
12/18/2008 — WO2008154103A2 Fluid property regulator
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11/13/2008 — US20080277492 Fluid property regulator
11/12/2008 — CN101300943A Method for treating land desertification
11/12/2008 — CN101300942A Method for simulating moisture surrounding variation of sandy woodland grassland ecologic system and facilities
11/06/2008 — WO2008131472A1 Carbon sequestration using a floating vessel
11/06/2008 — WO2008024569A3 Personal or spot area environmental management systems and apparatuses
11/06/2008 — WO2008015473A3 Process for creating carbon sinks
11/05/2008 — CN101297630A Weather modification operation indicator and working method 10/2008
10/23/2008 — WO2008124883A1 Method of determining the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered into the ocean as a result of ocean nourishment
10/23/2008 — US20080257977 High altitude atmospheric alteration system and method
10/23/2008 — DE102007020819A1 Reducing activity of hurricanes comprises generating high- and low-pressure shock waves across their hurricane arms and directly in center, preferably during phase in which force of hurricane is increasing
10/15/2008 — CN101287363A Solar energy radiator
10/08/2008 — CN101278641A Drip irrigation device for treating sand with spraying film covered network and pulse pump
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09/24/2008 — CN101272984A Method of sequestering carbon dioxide in aqueous environments
09/18/2008 — WO2007131143A9 Mitigation of tropical cyclone intensity and damage
09/17/2008 — CN101263774A Earth warm-stopping and temperature-reducing ecological ancient-returning comprehensive treatment system engineering
09/17/2008 — CN101263773A Method of solar energy for preventing and controlling desert ecological disaster
09/04/2008 — WO2008104568A1 Timed control of the global radiation balance to influence and control the climate and weather
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08/21/2008 — WO2008062441A3 Artificial rainmaking systems
08/16/2008 — CA2578936A1 The system to fight a tornado
08/14/2008 — WO2008096221A1 Method of rainmaking
08/07/2008 — WO2008030601A3 Method for reducing or calming hurricanes and/or other storms and for circulating water
08/06/2008 — CN100407892C Method for improving local water-content and fertilizer of desert area by degradable nutritive basins 07/2008
07/31/2008 — WO2007131143A3 Mitigation of tropical cyclone intensity and damage
07/30/2008 — CN201091126Y Sand horst with patio structure for desertification controlled by plant trees and grasses
07/16/2008 — EP1942720A1 Solar radiator
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06/19/2008 — WO2008072227A1 Hurricane mitigation by combined seeding with condensation and freezing nuclei
06/18/2008 — CN101201916A Method for monitoring operation of weather modification
06/04/2008 — EP1207743B1 Method of sequestering carbon dioxide 05/2008
05/29/2008 — WO2008062441A2 Artificial rainmaking systems
05/28/2008 — CN201064122Y Slope low-rise airflow warming lifting device
05/14/2008 — CN101178597A Ground artificial rain device wireless network control system
05/02/2008 — WO2008050799A1 Method of changing weather and water vapor generator for changing weather 04/2008
04/23/2008 — EP1913809A2 Method of sequestering carbon dioxide
04/16/2008 — CN201045808Y An apparatus for governing desert
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03/26/2008 — CN101147528A Use of ‘huaqingsanhao’ grass
03/19/2008 — CN101142875A New use of fuel coal desulphurizing magnesium slag and method for tackling desert therewith
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02/14/2008 — US20080035750 Reduction of cyclonic wind damage
02/13/2008 — CN101120633A Construction method for sandy land vegetation recovery
02/06/2008 — CN201017230Y Remote control weather modification rocket automatization operation system
02/06/2008 — CN201017229Y Weather modification rocket automatization operation information transfer device
02/06/2008 — CN201015331Y Simulated facilities about the changing of water environment of dene, thin-forest, lawn ecological system
02/06/2008 — CN101116410A Process for regulating carbon dioxide concentration in air and inhibiting greenhouse effect and the device thereof
02/06/2008 — CN101116409A Lowland environment protection and energy source integrated highly-effective exploitation 01/2008
01/31/2008 — US20080023566 Method of and a device for the reduction of tropical cyclones destructive force
01/30/2008 — CN101112163A Weather modification communicating and directing device
01/17/2008 — DE102007022685A1 Verbrennungsabgase zur Klimakühlung Combustion gases to climate cooling
01/16/2008 — EP1638388B1 Process and equipment to unleash rain precipitation from convective clouds of cumulus type spraying water droplets of controlled size 12/2007
12/21/2007 — WO2007143985A1 Method for the agglomeration and/or coagulation of aerosols
12/12/2007 — CN101084727A Method for controlling desert and globe warming by seawater, finally by salt in seawater
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11/21/2007 — CN101073806A Comprehensive harnessing method for desert area ecological environment by urban and countryside refuses
11/21/2007 — CN100349506C Fast desertization tackling method
11/15/2007 — WO2007131143A2 Mitigation of tropical cyclone intensity and damage
11/14/2007 — CN101069476A Small-region artificial rainfall device
11/08/2007 — US20070257126 Mitigation of tropical cyclone intensity and damage
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10/03/2007 — CN100340157C Well sinking type desert planting method 09/2007
09/27/2007 — US20070221743 Methods of calculating impact time for storms
09/20/2007 — WO2007105014A1 Neutralisation of strong winds
09/19/2007 — CN101038657A Constructing method of deserting sand-fixation and soil and water conservation synthesis ecosystem
09/12/2007 — CN100336604C Rainfall simulating jet
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08/29/2007 — CN101023727A Device and method for mending atmosphere ozen-layer holes
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07/18/2007 — CN2922433Y Fruit-tree girdling knife
07/18/2007 — CN100998301A Tech. for bringing under permanent control of typhoon by utilizing solar energy
07/12/2007 — WO2007014349A3 Method of sequestering carbon dioxide in aqueous environments
07/12/2007 — US20070158452 Tropical hurricane storm control system
07/12/2007 — US20070158449 Tropical hurricane control system
07/12/2007 — US20070158448 Method for decreasing the intensity and frequency of tropical storms or hurricanes
07/12/2007 — DE102006025086A1 Combination of equipment for defense against cyclones uses mechanical technical effects from a whirlwind’s path like a hurricane with a guidance destination into a marine area away from the mainland
07/11/2007 — CN1994047A Sand-fixation and afforestation integrated mobile or semi-mobile dune ecological restoring method
07/11/2007 — CN1324948C Seawater utilizing system for artificial influencing dispersal microclimate of coastal city
07/05/2007 — WO2007076341A2 Method of decreasing the intensity or frequency of a storm 06/2007
06/27/2007 — CN2914650Y Cyclone breaking device
06/20/2007 — CN1981571A Method for eliminating typhoon
06/13/2007 — CN1977589A Desert treatment
06/06/2007 — CN1973610A Disert tackling method and apparatus
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05/31/2007 — US20070119970 Method to fog and mist dispersion and related apparatus description
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05/18/2007 — WO2007055029A1 Deep-sea water spray system 04/2007
04/19/2007 — WO2007042481A1 Solar radiator 03/2007
03/29/2007 — WO2007033449A1 Process of artificial growth of clouds through the surrounding air humidity and the unleashing of situated artificial rain, from the clouds produced
03/29/2007 — WO2007033448A1 Production of localized artificial rains in polar stratospheric clouds, to promote a rain wash in the cio gas, reduce the destruction of the ozone layer and a replacement process in situ of the stratospheric ozone
03/29/2007 — WO2007033447A1 Device for inhibiting or weakining the development of tornados, hurricans or tropical cyclones
03/28/2007 — CN1934930A Method for resisting maritime natural calamities such as tychoon and tidal wave 01/2007
01/24/2007 — CN1899025A Ecological sand industry garden complex system
01/10/2007 — CN2855053Y Special well-sinking for desert plants 12/2006
12/21/2006 — WO2006104809A3 Method of controlling and modulating hurricanes
12/21/2006 — US20060284004 Method of scavenging atmospheric energy, causing rainfall, and for dissipating severe weather formations using an electrostatic dirigible
12/14/2006 — DE202006015578U1 System for reducing force of tornados comprises rockets guided by weather warning system which are exploded in cone of tornado, heat produced by the explosion evening out temperature differences in cone and vaporizing water in it 11/2006
11/08/2006 — CN2834153Y Evaporation-proof device for desert 10/2006
10/25/2006 — CN1281119C Movable mixed cloud chamber for continuous supply of super-cooling fog
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10/04/2006 — CN1839678A Airy water reservior 09/2006
09/13/2006 — CN1274203C Nano composite catalyzer for artificial weather affection and its production method
09/06/2006 — CN2812558Y Artificial rain system in local range
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08/23/2006 — CN1820576A Environment artificial macroscopic regulating apparatus by new method
08/17/2006 — WO2006085830A1 A method of and a device for the reduction of tropical cyclones destructive force
08/16/2006 — EP1689936A1 Method to fog and mist dispersion and related apparatus
08/16/2006 — CN1817087A Method for improving local water-content and fertilizer of desert area by degradable nutritive basins
08/02/2006 — CN1811806A Rainmaking optimal economic benefits region choicing and quantitative estimating method
08/02/2006 — CN1811805A Aircraft artificial rainmaking work technology system
08/02/2006 — CN1811804A Rainmaking work decision-making method 07/2006
07/19/2006 — EP1207743A4 Method of sequestering carbon dioxide
07/12/2006 — CN1799330A Well sinking type desert planting method 06/2006
06/14/2006 — CN2786956Y Portable field artificial raining-simulated apparatus 05/2006
05/10/2006 — CN1768572A Method for regenerating primitive forest atmosphere
05/03/2006 — EP1652423A1 Method for breaking anticyclonic circulation and device for carrying out said method
05/03/2006 — CN1765174A Top open type artificial weather adjustment device and its using method 04/2006
04/06/2006 — DE102005015514A1 Vorrichtung zum großflächigen Erhitzen von Wasser und der darüberliegenden Luft Device for large-scale heating water and the overlying air 03/2006
03/30/2006 — WO2006032238A1 Device for the substantial heating of water and the air located thereabove
03/29/2006 — EP1638388A1 Process and equipment to unleash rain precipitation from convective clouds of cumulus type spraying water droplets of controlled size
03/22/2006 — CN1749665A Air flow mediated air pollution eliminator and its use
03/02/2006 — DE102004037579A1 Ventilator for use over cities has radio having transmitter that is switched ON whenever necessary, and radiation antenna that is pointed to object on Earth 01/2006
01/18/2006 — CN2751535Y Groove type box body for artificial simulating rainfall apparatus
01/18/2006 — CN1720784A An artificial rainfall precipitation system in local range and application thereof 12/2005
12/28/2005 — EP1467611B1 Method and apparatus for controlling atmospheric conditions 11/2005
11/23/2005 — CN1228280C Novel moisture absorption flame agent for artificial influencing weather and productive process
11/16/2005 — CN1695431A Method for preventing tomado, tropical cyclone, flood and hailstone 09/2005
09/07/2005 — CN1663349A Seawater utilizing system for artificial influencing dispersal microclimate of coastal city 07/2005
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06/23/2005 — US20050133612 Meteorological modification method and apparatus CIP
06/22/2005 — CN1628503A Method and apparatus for increasing rainfall amount of desert
06/16/2005 — WO2005053379A1 Apparatus for controlling atmospheric conditions
06/16/2005 — DE10135400B4 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Auflösung von Nebel und/oder von Wolken Method and apparatus for dispersing fog and / or clouds
06/09/2005 — WO2005052263A1 Method to fog and mist dispersion and related apparatus
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04/07/2005 — WO2005029942A1 Rain initiating method, in particular in summer time 03/2005
03/23/2005 — CN2686312Y Ground rain-increasing catalyst flame agent generator
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03/09/2005 — CN2682815Y Snow making apparatus of snow machine
03/02/2005 — CN1586130A Method for producing blue pigment and its special strain 02/2005
02/24/2005 — US20050043416 Method for dispersing fog and/or clouds
02/24/2005 — US20050039626 Dynamic tornado teardown system
02/10/2005 — US20050031417 Gas diffuser ocean water lifting method and device
02/09/2005 — CN1575644A Organic rice Producing teachnique 01/2005
01/27/2005 — WO2005006844A1 Method for breaking anticyclonic circulation and device for carrying out said method
01/27/2005 — CA2530409A1 Method for breaking anticyclonic circulation and device for carrying out said method
01/26/2005 — CN2673082Y Mobile mixed cloud chamber device
01/25/2005 — US6845919 Apparatus for disturbing and removing electrons and protons from the atmosphere
01/05/2005 — DE10150336B4 Verfahren zur Erzeugung einer künstlichen Lichtquelle in großer Höhe, insbesondere zur Kalibrierung von astronomischen Teleskopen A method for generating an artificial light source at a great height, in particular for the calibration of astronomical telescopes
01/05/2005 — CN1183808C Thunder carrying-off device by laser 12/2004
12/29/2004 — EP1491088A1 Weather modification by royal rainmaking technology
12/29/2004 — CN1558180A Catalyst for three-seven type artificial rain bomb
12/29/2004 — CN1557132A Movable mixed cloud chamber for continuous supply of super-cooling fog
12/29/2004 — CN1557131A Nano composite catalyzer for artificial weather affection and its production method 11/2004
11/17/2004 — CN1545850A Pharmaceutical rainfall and rain-stop and method thereof
11/11/2004 — WO2004071996A3 Carbon sequestration in aqueous environments
11/03/2004 — CN1543310A Method for dispersing fog and/or clouds 10/2004
10/27/2004 — CN2650495Y Airborne seeding rain-adding systems
10/20/2004 — EP1467611A1 Method and apparatus for controlling atmospheric conditions
10/20/2004 — CN2648805Y Artificial weather-influencing catalytic bomb 09/2004
09/16/2004 — WO2003061370A8 Method and apparatus for controlling atmospheric conditions
09/10/2004 — WO2004075630A1 Process and equipment to unleash rain precipitation from convective clouds of cumulus type spraying water droplets of controlled size 08/2004
08/26/2004 — WO2004071996A2 Carbon sequestration in aqueous environments
08/19/2004 — US20040161364 Promoting carbon dioxide trapping by aquatic plant biomass; environmental pollution control
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07/28/2004 — CN1515146A Silver iodide acetone solution above-ground combustion equipment and its combustion method
07/15/2004 — US20040134997 Method and apparatus for controlling atmospheric conditions
07/07/2004 — CN1509596A Cyclone machines 06/2004
06/23/2004 — CN1154411C Infiltrating method and equipment for slow and infiltrating irrigation of high silt content water 05/2004
05/26/2004 — CN1150810C Method of artificial soft rime 04/2004
04/08/2004 — US20040065773 Method and apparatus to make a cyclone
04/01/2004 — US20040060994 Method for influencing atmospheric formations 01/2004
01/22/2004 — US20040011881 Method and apparatus for abating storm strength 12/2003
12/17/2003 — CN1461586A Method for lowering temp. and making rainfall in arid area
12/04/2003 — WO2003032710A3 Method for treating material at a high altitude 11/2003
11/19/2003 — EP1024690B1 Method for measuring amounts of carbon from greenhouse gases 10/2003
10/29/2003 — CN1451265A Technique for interference with rainfall by release of electo-ion stream 08/2003
08/06/2003 — CN1434671A Thunder carrying-off device by laser 07/2003
07/31/2003 — WO2003061370A1 Method and apparatus for controlling atmospheric conditions 06/2003
06/11/2003 — EP0724703B1 Device for collection solar energy on geostatic orbits to radiate energy to receivers on earth and to weatherformations 05/2003
05/08/2003 — US20030085296 Hurricane and tornado control device 04/2003
04/24/2003 — WO2003032710A2 Method for treating material at a high altitude
04/24/2003 — US20030074836 Cypress project
04/17/2003 — DE10150211C1 Method for treating material at a great height from ground, directs filament towards sky after generation by automatic focusing and defocusing of a high-intensive laser beam 03/2003
03/19/2003 — CN1402965A Solution of earth’s green-house effect
03/05/2003 — EP1287735A2 Method for influencing atmospheric formations 02/2003
02/06/2003 — WO2003009671A1 Method for dispersing fog and/or clouds 01/2003
01/16/2003 — WO2002045318A3 Resource conservation method
01/16/2003 — US20030012691 Testing area of surface of deep open ocean to determine missing nutrients and diffusion coefficient, applying to area fertilizer comprising a missing nutrient, measuring carbon dioxide that has been sequestered; testing; global warming 12/2002
12/02/2002 — WO2001091542A2 Method for influencing atmospheric formations
12/02/2002 — CA2411073A1 Method for influencing atmospheric formations 10/2002
10/10/2002 — DE10117115A1 Process for increasing the photosynthesis via photovoltaic energy generators used in coastal regions comprises using air humidifiers and warm water streams to recover carbon dioxide 09/2002
09/19/2002 — WO2001091542A3 Method for influencing atmospheric formations 08/2002
08/27/2002 — US6440367 Method of sequestering carbon dioxide with a fertilizer comprising chelated iron
08/21/2002 — EP1232224A1 Method for dissolving fog and/or clouds
08/21/2002 — CN1364406A Method of artificial soft rime 07/2002
07/17/2002 — CN1358694A Novel moisture absorption flame agent for artificial influencing weather and productive process 06/2002
06/25/2002 — US6408792 Method of increasing seafood production in the barren ocean with a fertilizer comprising chelated iron
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05/30/2002 — US20020062594 Resource conservation method
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04/17/2002 — EP1197138A1 Process and system for influencing the atmospheric circulation 02/2002
02/28/2002 — US20020023593 Method of increasing seafood production in the barren ocean with a fertilizer comprising chelated iron
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02/13/2002 — CN1335054A Artificial cloud making method 01/2002
01/24/2002 — US20020009338 Influencing weather patterns by way of altering surface or subsurface ocean water temperatures
01/24/2002 — US20020008155 Method and system for hurricane control
01/01/2002 — CA2306651C Method and apparatus for modifying supercooled clouds 11/2001
11/22/2001 — WO2001087048A1 Method for weakening tropical cyclones (hurricanes, typhoons)
11/13/2001 — US6315213 Method of modifying weather 10/2001
10/04/2001 — EP1024690A4 Method for measuring amounts of carbon from greenhouse gases 09/2001
09/27/2001 — WO2001070012A1 Method and means for control of radiated energy
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07/19/2001 — WO2000033638A9 Artificially prepared surface for inducing rainfall 06/2001
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05/25/2001 — WO2001036560A1 Method for dissolving fog and/or clouds
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05/01/2001 — US6223995 Method for cooling golf greens and other vegetation 04/2001
04/12/2001 — DE19948635A1 System for avoiding or reducing strength of tornadoes comprises freezing sea water on board ship to produce ice blocks of different sizes which are used to reduce temperature of sea to influence strength or direction of tornado 03/2001
03/13/2001 — US6200530 Method of sequestering carbon dioxide with spiral fertilization 02/2001
02/28/2001 — CN1285137A Method for inproving desert and relieving persistent high temp. by artificially-influencing weather of hot air layer 01/2001
01/31/2001 — CN2416729Y Ground siliver iodide producing apparatus for artificial rain increase
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11/09/2000 — WO2000065902A1 Method of sequestering carbon dioxide 09/2000
09/05/2000 — US6115672 Method for measuring and quantifying amounts of carbon from certain greenhouse gases sequestered in and by grassy and herbaceous plants above and below the soil surface 08/2000
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06/21/2000 — CN1256860A Ground generator of silver iodide for artificial precipitation
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05/17/2000 — CN2378712Y New antihail and seeding rocket
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03/16/2000 — DE19841816A1 Carbon dioxide conversion and water transfer centers round atomizer on locally fuelled float with blower to transfer local water surplus to directable cloud migrating to arid regions. 01/2000
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