Ground is a Myth per VP ARRL Kristen McIntyre K6WX
It’s interesting because the “flat plane” for “RF ground” insinuates almost innumerable ‘boundary gradients’ (due to the ‘molecular fractures’ inherent in all materials); these would seemingly indicate ‘current roping’ or perhaps more crudely as river-water channeling amongst strewn bolders. MonsterWire’s entire business model was built upon alleviating this condition, reasoned as detrimental to “high-fidelity” audio amplification, along its many subsequent me-too copiers. The boundary gradients (err, micro-distortions) were also touched on by guitar-amp maven Alexander Dumble’s infamous quote about crystalline lattice etc. I found these links and plenty more on the site run by an ORGanization named “SOUND QUALITY”.
Tangentially related to “ground” — (1) concept of earthing for biological healing (trangential to that: RF radiation as toxic to blood, biologies, causal to cancer, per Dr Magda Havas, Dr Devra Davis and many many others); also (2) atmospheric voltage gradient, which ostensibly explains the suspected / increasingly-evidenced ‘antiquitech’ of airship travel thought to be commonplace prior to the so-called ‘mud-flood’ — this is per Jon Levi, Michelle Gibson, and other youtubers. Shape-of-the-earthers / realmsters also have some bearing on this as the concepts are noted in scripture. Thoroughly interesting, and deeply relevant concept — kudos!
ERIC DOLLARD has a lot to say about all this, particularly regarding his earth telemetry, earthquake prediction, and extensive info going back to our earliest days of EE. TESLA must figure in here prominently, also. In examining high-energy physics Directed Energy Weaponry (see the Raytheon patents, etc) it’s most interesting, in real-world, to see how certain objects when “grounded” are spared from molecular annihilation (or “insta-rust” and other withering / warping / wilting (as seen amongst so many steel girders across so many attack sites), versus other objects, particularly when ‘isolated’ (via rubber car tires, for instance) from touching earth, readily become “toasted” (to use Dr Judy Wood’s verbiage, pursuant to HUTCHISON EFFECT). As frequencies increase, apparently, locality of “ground” matters more and more prominently, as well as boundary isolation from nearby fields (thinking of ‘earth ground field’ in relation to nearness of ‘microwave-wilted or rusted’ objects). Anyway, just some more interesting tangents to explore and enjoy!
Another highly interesting tangent involves the Bosnian Pyramids (which are open-sourced archaeology) and the measured RF fields and emanations; the atmospheric voltage-gradient ‘bending’ or ‘banding’ measured atop the pyramids, etc. Worth a look. Makes me think of the Wands of Horus (iron and copper hand-held bars, presumably for individual healing / energetic purposes — see Scotties Tech Info for DNA as EMF atenna ?v=B3jf_d_TVc8 ) versus what seems more and more like energy harvesting on vast scale. Also, this content makes me think of DUTCHSINSE’s amazing videos from THOMAS BEARDEN regarding HAARP, SCALAR WEAPONRY and subsequent weather modification.

22:35 — “What I’ve [concluded] is: [Ground] is an impossible thing: There’s no ‘ground’; everything is relative; everything is in motion, and the best we can do that we differentially stabilize this stuff, so that we don’t get hurt, and things do what we want them to do.”