HOW a Charged Vortex MAKES Gravity Real Electrogravitics REAL Psychokinetics REAL Power of MIND
HOW a Charged Vortex MAKES Gravity Real Electrogravitics REAL Psychokinetics REAL Power of MIND
HOW a Charged Vortex MAKES Gravity Real Electrogravitics REAL Psychokinetics REAL Power of MIND
Copernicus Kepler Brahe Galileo All Major Big Banger Cosmologists directly connected to Vatican Jesuits – Copernicus, Kepler, Brahe, and Galileo were deeply interconnected with the Vatican and the Jesuits.
Truth About Cast Steel Henry Bessemer a spectacular liar
Ground is a Myth per VP ARRL Kristen McIntyre K6WX
FactCheckOrg and all ilk making similar false claims Proven Malarkists by USPTO Weather Modification Not Just Real but Ridiculously So – BEWARE So many out-and-out parroting idiots and/or liars versus literally hundreds of expensive and hard-to-gain patents demonstrate Weather Modification is real, old, and well-known
Ed Lewis on Ball Lightning Plasmoids Matsumoto and Shoulders