Since the DONG of Humanity Ancient Phallic Symbolism
Since the DONG of Humanity Ancient Phallic Symbolism
Since the DONG of Humanity Ancient Phallic Symbolism
Rampant Lifting of Ideas in Science vs Cross of Dots Photo 51 via XRay Crystalography in Double Helix Identification
Operation Popeye Military Extension of Monsoon Season Weather Warfare Vietnam
Project Cirrus Amazingly Ignorant Citizenry Most Still Deny Weather Modification Warfare
For Ref – Unadulterated 100 mph car crash into brick wall
Gobekli Tepe Excavations Halted by WEF
When Timer runs out – Another looming problem — The “Next Next Big Gotcha” occurs when 32-bit time/counters “roll-over” — causing another Y2K all over again